Humans of Gestalt

I have agreed that this for me rather personal interview will be public in the hope of supporting the international Gestalt community. It´s an interview about life and the touch of gestalt therapy – Humans of Gestalt.

To me a project to connect through human differences and yet oneness.

This interview is part of an international, multilingual project named Humans of Gestalt facilitated by Heather Anne Keyes and Kamila Bialy, Humans of Gestalt

A snapshot of my field perspective at the beginning of the year 2021.

Who am I? What has shaped me? Core values? How do I experience myself as a woman? How do I understand myself in relation to privileges and power? How do I experience age? About gestalt therapy: How did I meet gestalt? What did I find in gestalt? What difference did gestalt make to me? Does the gestalt community mean anything to me? What challenges have I faced in the gestalt world? What has been achieved in terms of participating in gestalt communities? How have I incorporated gestalt into my professional life? What do I think could or should happen more of in the gestalt world?